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Adding interactive elements

If you find any bugs you can contact Arrays by Joining the discord server ( and head to the forum called ArrayField.

  • Suggest things to add!
  • You can help me fix bugs!
  • and you can help me optimizing the script!
  • You can be credited on the website.

Notifying the user

A new notification system is coming soon
Title = "Notification Title",
Content = "Notification Content",
Duration = 6.5,
Image = 4483362458,
Actions = { -- Notification Buttons
Ignore = {
Name = "Okay!",
Callback = function()
print("The user tapped Okay!")

Creating a Button

local Button = Tab:CreateButton({
Name = "Button Example",
Interact = 'Click',
Callback = function()
-- The function that takes place when the button is pressed

Updating a Button

Button:Set("Button Example","Interact")

Creating a Toggle

local Toggle = Tab:CreateToggle({
Name = "Toggle Example",
CurrentValue = false,
Flag = "Toggle1", -- A flag is the identifier for the configuration file, make sure every element has a different flag if you're using configuration saving to ensure no overlaps
Callback = function(Value)
-- The function that takes place when the toggle is pressed
-- The variable (Value) is a boolean on whether the toggle is true or false

Updating a Toggle


Creating a Color Picker

local ColorPicker = Tab:CreateColorPicker({
Name = "Color Picker",
Color = Color3.fromRGB(255,255,255),
Flag = "ColorPicker1", -- A flag is the identifier for the configuration file, make sure every element has a different flag if you're using configuration saving to ensure no overlaps
Callback = function(Value)
-- The function that takes place every time the color picker is moved/changed
-- The variable (Value) is a Color3fromRGB value based on which color is selected

Updating a Color Picker


Creating a Slider

local Slider = Tab:CreateSlider({
Name = "Slider Example",
Range = {0, 100},
Increment = 10,
Suffix = "Bananas",
CurrentValue = 10,
Flag = "Slider1", -- A flag is the identifier for the configuration file, make sure every element has a different flag if you're using configuration saving to ensure no overlaps
Callback = function(Value)
-- The function that takes place when the slider changes
-- The variable (Value) is a number which correlates to the value the slider is currently at

Updating a Slider

Slider:Set(10) -- The new slider integer value

Creating an Adaptive Input (TextBox)

local Input = Tab:CreateInput({
Name = "Input Example",
PlaceholderText = "Input Placeholder",
NumbersOnly = true, -- If the user can only type numbers. Remove or set to false if none.
CharacterLimit = 15, --max character limit. Remove or set to false
OnEnter = true, -- Will callback only if the user pressed ENTER while being focused on the the box.
RemoveTextAfterFocusLost = false, -- Speaks for itself.
Callback = function(Text)
-- The function that takes place when the input is changed
-- The variable (Text) is a string for the value in the text box

Creating a Dropdown menu

local Dropdown = Tab:CreateDropdown({
Name = "Dropdown Example",
Options = {"Option 1","Option 2"},
CurrentOption = "Option 1" or {"Option 1","Option 3"},
MultiSelection = true, -- If MultiSelections is allowed
Flag = "Dropdown1", -- A flag is the identifier for the configuration file, make sure every element has a different flag if you're using configuration saving to ensure no overlaps
Callback = function(Option)
-- The function that takes place when the selected option is changed
-- The variable (Option) is a string for the value that the dropdown was changed to

Updating a Dropdown

Dropdown:Set("Option 2" or <table>) -- The new option value



General Settings

For every element you can add these. (Optional)

local ElementExample
ElementExample = Tab:Create______({

Info = {
Image = '1234567890',
Text = 'Description for the prompt'
SectionParent = Section -- Section it's parented to


Updating an existing element

Element:Destroy() -- Destroy


Element:Lock(Reason:<string>) -- Lock
Element:Unlock() -- Unlock

Check the value of an existing element

To check the current value of an existing element, using the variable, you can do ElementName.CurrentValue, if it's a keybind or dropdown, you will need to use KeybindName.CurrentKeybind or DropdownName.CurrentOption You can also check it via the flags from You can also check it via the flags from ArrayField.Flags